Purchase of boat

Your own yacht – towards the horizon

Buying and owning a yacht is a privilege. Hardly anything is associated with as much prestige as buying a motor or sailing yacht. Because a yacht is much more than just a means of transport. It is an expression of style, comfort and lifestyle. At Baltic Yachtpoint we share this passion with our customers. Thanks to our network, we are able to find the yacht or boat that meets your individual wishes and ideas. Come on board with us to find your dream yacht together.

1. Buying a yacht – what should you consider?

Anyone who wants to buy a yacht is facing a large investment. For this reason, the purchase of a yacht should always be carefully considered, taking numerous factors into account. As yacht brokers, we therefore advise you together to create a comprehensive range of requirements. Do you need a boat or rather a yacht? How many guests should it accommodate? Would you like special features? The type of planned use is also crucial – for example, should your yacht be suitable for ocean use or only sail in inland waters? We will determine all of this together with you in our initial consultation.

In addition to the needs analysis, potential yacht owners initially consider whether they want to buy a new or used yacht. At Baltic Yachtpoint you benefit from our good industry contacts.

However, if you are looking for a used yacht, other circumstances must be taken into account:

Above all, the technical condition should be examined carefully before making a purchase in order to rule out any defects such as machine damage or corrosion. Our independent experts, who can be commissioned upon request, will find out such things for you transparently, so that you can enjoy a feeling of security before and long after the purchase.

Regardless of whether it is a new or used yacht, Baltic Yachtpoint is at your side in the search for your dream yacht as a competent and discreet team. This way we find the yacht that fully meets your maritime needs.

2. Costs: How to finance a yacht

For many people, buying a yacht is an emotional decision – it’s about the feeling of freedom, wanderlust and passion for the sea. But it is also a financial investment. How much a yacht costs depends particularly on its size and equipment. Added to this are the costs incurred for operating the yacht. A tenth of the new price of the yacht is generally assumed as a guideline for these fixed costs. This means that it will cost around 10% of the new price per year to operate your yacht. Of course, if necessary, we will advise you on suitable financing for your yacht.

3. When is a yacht a luxury yacht or a boat?

Anyone who wants to buy a yacht often attaches great importance to comfort and luxurious furnishings. So-called luxury yachts therefore go far beyond the function of a yacht as an occasional means of transport or for sporting purposes. This usually combines the finest materials, state-of-the-art technology and exceptional design. Size also plays a role here. Whether it’s a sailing yacht or a motor yacht, a hull with a length of less than seven meters is generally referred to as a boat, and one with a length of more than ten meters is generally referred to as a yacht. Larger yachts are often referred to as maxi yachts or supermaxis and have hull lengths of 24 to over 30 meters. The largest yachts, some with hull lengths of up to 180 meters, are classified as so-called megayachts.

4. Buy a motor yacht

Buy a motor yacht and just go out – this dream becomes reality at Baltic Yachtpoint. From compact sports boats for use in inland or coastal waters to spacious luxury yachts with ocean-going capability, you will find numerous motor yachts for sale in our portfolio.

5. Buy a sailing yacht

“Towards the horizon”  With a sailing yacht, traveling at sea becomes an art form. Sailing yachts also usually have greater stability than motor yachts, which is why they can be suitable for the sea with a length of just 10 meters. If you would like to buy a sailing yacht, you will discover numerous objects in our portfolio.

6. Buy new & used yachts at Baltic Yachtpoint

Competence, exclusivity and passion – these are the three values that we live by in our work every day and through which we have been successful since 2004. With the same high quality standards, we would also be happy to advise you if you would like to buy a yacht through Baltic Yachtpoint. Because we understand that buying a boat and yacht is not only a financial decision, but above all an emotional one. For this reason, we are happy to take on the time-consuming task of searching for a boat so that you can look forward to future trips with your very own yacht in a relaxed manner. Even if you want to reorient yourself and perhaps sell your old yacht, we are at your side with our expertise. Please let us advise you free of charge and without obligation in an initial consultation. We look forward to your contact request.